Nazar Vinnichuk

*favorite books*


  1. Catch-22
    Joseph Heller
  2. American Gods
    Neil Gaiman
  3. Animal Farm
    George Orwell
  4. Good Omens
    Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
  5. The Truth
    Terry Pratchett
  6. The Castle
    Franz Kafka
  7. Ubik
    Philip Dick
  8. The Martian
    Andy Weir
  9. Fight Club
    Chuck Palahniuk
  10. The Black Obelisk
    Erich Maria Remarque
  11. The Good Soldier Švejk
    Jaroslav Hašek
  12. Anxious People
    Fredrik Backman
  13. Novel Notes
    Jerome Klapka Jerome
  14. Three Men on the Bummel
    Jerome Klapka Jerome
  15. To Kill a Mockingbird
    Harper Lee
  16. Watt
    Samuel Beckett
  17. The War of the Worlds
    Herbert Wells
  18. Life, the Universe and Everything
    Douglas Adams


  1. Bad Blood
    John Carreyrou
  2. Homage to Catalonia
    George Orwell
  3. How Music Got Free
    Stephen Witt
  4. Down and Out in Paris and London
    George Orwell
  5. Blowout
    Rachel Maddow
  6. Enter Night
    Mick Wall
  7. The Ministry of Truth
    Dorian Lynskey
  8. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman
    Richard Feynman
  9. The Innovators
    Walter Isaacson
  10. Priceless
    William Poundstone
  11. Guns, Germs, and Steel
    Jared Diamond
  12. The Diary of a Bookseller
    Shaun Bythell
  13. The Upside of Irrationality
    Dan Ariely
  14. Mythos
    Stephen Fry
  15. What If?
    Randall Munroe
  16. The Wolf of Wall Street
    Jordan Belfort
  17. Chaos Monkeys
    Antonio Martinez
  18. The Spotify Play
    Sven Carlsson & Jonas Lejionhufvud